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American Strength – Chris Christie

0 2028 0

2016 US Presidential elections Primary – America Leads PAC – Jul 9

Family Strong – Hillary Clinton

0 2290 0

2016 US Presidential Elections Primary – Hillary Clinton – Aug 3

A Bad Deal – StopHillary. GOP

0 2441 0

2016 US Presidential Elections Primary – StopHillary.GOP – Jul 22

Failed Leadership – Republican National Committee

0 1977 0

2016 US Presidential Elections Primary – Republican National Committee GOP – Jul 20

Crickets – American Crossroads PAC

0 1983 0

American Crossroads PAC – May 19

Ségolène Royal for the 2007 Presidential Elections

0 1735 0

2007 – France Presidential Elections First Round – Ségolène Royal

No Podemos Mas (We No Longer Can) – Romney for President 2012.

0 1159 0

Romney’s official TV ad for latino community. “Believe in America” Campaign 2012

Protege El Sueño (Protect the Dream). Obama for America 2012.

0 1302 0

Obama’s official campaign TV ad for latino community. 2012

Merecemos (We deserve) – Romney for President Campaign. Presidential Election, US 2012

0 1278 0

Romney’s official campaign for Latino community. “Juntos con Romney” (Together with Romney) 2012

Muchisimo (A lot) – Obama for America. 2012

0 1297 0

Cristina Saralegui’s endorsement for Barack Obama .Presidential Campaign 2012. Official campaign for latinos “Pa’ lante”

Legado (Legacy) – Mitt Romney for President – Presidential Election, US 2012

0 989 0

“Juntos con Romney” Campaign.  (Together with Romney) 2012

Nuestra Comunidad (Our Community) – Mitt Romney for President 2012

0 1052 0

Romney’s campaign official TV ad for the latino community. “Juntos con Romney” (Together with Romney) 2012.

El Candado – (The Lock) Obama for America. Presidential Election, US 2012

0 1390 0

Obama’s campaign for the latino community. ” Votemos todos” (Let’s all vote) 2012. Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.

Salvara (Romney will save us)- Mitt Romney for President. 2012

0 1284 0

Romney’s official ad for latino community about health care system. 2012