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Tag "2014"

Determined – Parti Quebecois

0 1454 0

2014 Canadian Election – Parti Quebecois  

Parti Quebecois for 2014 General Elections

0 1788 0

2014 Canadian General Elections – Parti Quebecois

Official Campaign of Nous Citoyens for the European Elections

0 1750 0

Denis Payre presents the movement “Nous Citoyens” for the official audiovisual campaign.

Official Campaign of Nous Citoyens for the European Elections

0 1564 0

Denis Payre presents the movement “Nous Citoyens” for the official audiovisual campaign.

Futuro J

0 1871 0

Folleto de Dilma Rousseff, del PT, para las elecciones presidenciales de Brasil 2014.

Domestic violence

0 2383 0

Programa del candidato del Democratic Party, Anthony G. Brown, para las primarias a Gobernador de Maryland, Estados Unidos 2014.

Regiones (Regions) Presidential Election. Colombia. 2014

0 2796 0

Programa de la candidata del PDA, Clara López, para las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2014. DA’s candidate’s program, Clara López, Presidential Election, Colombia, 2014. The Alternative Democratic Pole (Spanish: Polo Democrático Alternativo or PDA) is a social democratic and democratic left

100 medidas (100 proposals) PSOE, Spain. European Elections 2014

0 1883 0

Programa del PSOE, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. The Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (Spanish: Partido Socialista Obrero Español, better known by its initials, PSOE ) is a social-democratic and federalist political party in Spain.


0 1308 0

Flyer de Aecio Neves, del PSDB, para las elecciones presidenciales de Brasil 2014.

Compact with Maryland

0 1878 0

Programa del candidato del Democratic Party, Anthony G. Brown, para las primarias a Gobernador de Maryland, Estados Unidos 2014.

Política Tributaria Democrática y Progresiva (Democratic and Progressive Fiscal policy) Presidential Election. Colombia. 2014

0 1043 0

Programa de la candidata del PDA, Clara López, para las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2014. DA’s candidate’s program, Clara López, Presidential Election, Colombia, 2014. The Alternative Democratic Pole (Spanish: Polo Democrático Alternativo or PDA) is a social democratic and democratic left