Cynical – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1053 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Collapse – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1603 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Big Bird, Binders and Bayonets (RNC) – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1135 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Apology Tour – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 952 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Seen – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 960 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Reapply Them – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1166 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Only Choice – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1055 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Trust – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1045 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Care – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
758 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Not One of Us – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 919 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Prairie Fire – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1026 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Yo Pague (I paid) – Romney for President 2012
0 1627 0Romney’s campaign for latinos. “Juntos con Romney” (Together with Romney)
La Separacion (The Breakup)- The Republican National Committee. 2012
0 1300 0Republican National Committee’s campaign against Obama called “Breakup With Obama”. 2012
Randy from Ampad – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1190 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Facts – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1231 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Scrap Steel – Barack Obama (SPAC) – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 861 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Balanced – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1233 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
It Worked – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 996 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.